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Determination of essential oil content aldehyde

Literature: Indonesia Pharmacopoeia III



Unless otherwise noted, carefully weigh 1 g, insert it into the glass tube stoppers chemistry, diameter and length of ± 25 mm ± 150 mm. Add tolueneconcentrated and 15 ml solution of concentrated hydroxylamine ethanol (60%), shake vigorously, as she whipped titrate immediately with 0.5 N potassium hydroxide in of concentrated ethanol (60%) to a red color changed to yellow. Continue the shaking and titration until the bottom layer still remains a real yellow after shaken vigorously for 2 minutes and allow to separate, the titration is completed within ± 15 minutes.
This method gives results close to the actual levels of aldehydes. To obtain the results carefully, repeat the assay in the same way; titration end point is set if it has obtained the same color with the color of the solution obtained from the first titration was added 0.5 ml of 0.5 N potassium hydroxide in of concentrated ethanol (60% ).
Calculate the aldehyde content of the second titration.



Mix and chill in ice 10 ml of essential oil that has been dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate concentrated to 20 ml of concentrated dimethyl aniline, add 8 ml of concentrated acetyl chloride and 5 ml of concentrated acetic anhydride, let stand for 5 minutes up, leave for 30 minutes at room temperature and finally for 3 hours at a temperature of 39º to 41º. Wash the mixture with shaking for 30 seconds in a row with the following solution: 2 times each time with 75 ml of concentrated sodium sulfate solution 20% w/v to washing liquid does not become turbid after the alkaline to concentrated litmus paper using a solution of concentrated sodium bicarbonate 5% w/v solution of concentrated sodium sulfate 20% w/v finally washing 2 times, each time with 25 ml solution of concentrated sodium sulfate 20% w/v. Drain oil acylated with 3 grams of concentrated anhydrous magnesium sulfate, filtered. Set the number stor ester in the manner indicated on the determination of the ester number.

Tagging. Should also be listed: 1. “Topical”. 2. “Shake the past”.


Except where otherwise noted, carefully weigh 1.5 g, insert it into the glass tube stoppers chemistry, diameter and length of ± 25 mm ± 150 mm. Add 10 ml solution of concentrated hydroxylamine ethanol (90%). Titration with 1 N potassium hydroxide ethanol until the red color changed to yellow. Heat the tube at the top of tangas water at temperatures between 75º and 80º for 40 minutes, every 5 minutes neutralize the free acid which occurs in 1 N potassium hydroxide ethanol, continue to titrate until clear yellow solution. This method gives results close to the actual levels karvon. To obtain the results carefully, repeat the assay in the same way; titration end point is set if it has obtained the same color with the color of the solution obtained from the first titration was added 0.5 ml of 1 N potassium hydroxide ethanol Calculate karvon levels of the second titration.

1 ml of 1 N potassium hydroxide ethanol equivalent to 151.4 mg karvon


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