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Hidrogen (H)

Hidrogen (H)

Nama Indonesia : Hidrogen
Nama Inggris : Hydrogen
Lambang atom : H
Nomor atom : 1
Penemu : Henry Cavendisk
Tahun ditemukan : 1766
Negara penemu : Inggris
Masa atom relatif : 1,00794
Bilangan oksidasi  : 1
konfigurasi elektron : 1 S1
Titik didih : 20,28 K
Titik lebur : 13,81 K
Masa jenis : 0,0899 g/cm3
Stuktur kristal : heksagional
Elektronegatifitas : 2,10
Radius atom : 2,08 A0
Volume atom : 14,10 cm3 /mol
Radius konvalensi : 0,32 A0
Entalpi penguapan : 0,4581 kj/mol
Entalpi pembentukan : 0,00585 kj/ mol
Konduktifitas listrik  : –
Konduktifitas panas : 0,1815 Wm-1K-1
Warna  : tidak bewarna
Periode : 1
Golongan : IA
Nama golongan : Alkali
Wujud  : Gas
Jenis unsur : non logam
Asal unsur : unsur alam
Manfaat  : memulihkan logam dari senyawanya misalnya wolfram

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Titration of free water

Literature:  INDONESIA pharmacopoeia IV


Dissolve a test substance in a suitable volume of glacial acetic acid in the previous P neutralize against indicators as outlined in the monograph, if necessary in the warm and cooled, or bua solution as specified. If the test substance in the form of acid chloride or bromide salt, add 15 ml of mercury (II) acetate LP, unless otherwise stated in the monograph. Titration with 0.1 N perchloric acid until the color change indicator LV according to the absolute maximum dE / dV (E is…>>>read more

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Cation anion flame reaction

literature: Qualitative Analysis Vogel

A. With Ni-Cr wire

Little substance is dissolved in concentrated HCl on a watch glass, then dip the Ni-Cr wire which has a net and then burn it over the flame of oxidation, observe the flame color arising:

Yellow: Na

Red: Li

Red Karmin: Sr

Red Yellow: Ca

Purple: K (use glass Cobalt)

Green: Cu, Borat

Green Yellow: Ba

Blue Gray: Mg, Pb, As, Sn, Sb and Fi

2. Beilstein flame reaction

Copper wire which has a clean, dipijarkan over the flame until the flame of oxidation of the green is gone, dip it in substance and perikasalah flame going. If there is halogen, then there is a green flame.

3. Nyala reaction to Borat

In a porcelain cup, a little solid concentrated sulfuric acid is added, then a few drops of methanol, and kindle in the dark. If there are borates, will form a green flame.

– Esterification ® Methyl Borate

Diposkan pada Analist

Organoleptic cation anion

literature: Qualitative Analysis Vogel

Organoleptika examination, through the examination:
Color substances: Some of the ions in the solution to certain colors, such as:

A. Blue: Cu (II), Co (II)
2. Brown: Fe (III), PbO2, SNS and CDO
3. Green: Generally, all the metal oxides and metal salts sulpida.
4. Yellow: Fe (III), CdS, PbI2, HgO, K4FeCN6, KCrO4
5. Red: HgI2, K3FeCN6, K2Cr2O7, BiI3
6. Rosa: Mn (II), Co (II)
7. White: A lot of an organic compound which is white.

Odor substances: Some substances can be identified from the smell, for example:

A. The smell of vinegar: Acetate salts
2. Rotten egg smell: Sulfide Salts
3. Ammonia Odor: Ammonia salts
4. Odour Garlic: Arsenic
5. Halogen odor (stimulate): Halogenida salts

Hygroscopic properties: some substances can draw water from the air, miasalnya: FeCl3, KOH, NaOH, CaCl2, MgCl2 and others.

The nature of acidity and alkalinity: sometimes the nature of acidity and alkalinity are able to support the analysis. Examination conducted by a solution of the substance in the water and checked with litmus blue litmus red.